Applying Hadamard twice

It seems that the Hadamard gate would delete any information stored in the qubit, because no matter if the initial value is \(\ket{0}\) or \(\ket{1}\), the probability to measure one or the other is 50% in both cases. Thus, according to our measurements, the two states appear indistinguishable. But is that really the case?

Apply the Hadamard gate H twice in a row. Toggle between the two different input values (\(\ket{0}\) and \(\ket{1}\)).
My measurements

This time you do not need to perform measurements yourself. As soon as you change the circuit, it is evaluated and the statistics are updated accordingly. After 1000 measurements we get the following distribution:

What does your observations imply for the information stored in the qubit?

Answer the question to continue ...

This means we need to differentiate the location on the equator of our Bloch sphere. The rotation angle is now an important part of our quantum state. The state we are in after applying H to a qubit in state \(\ket{0}\) is opposite to the state we are in after applying H to a qubit in state \(\ket{1}\).

All operations can then be thought of as a rotation around some axis of the sphere. The X gate is a 180° rotation along the axis going through the equator. The H gate is a rotation around the diagonal axis between the x and z axis.